I am 18 year old college student, where during my free time I am a Senior Discord Moderator for games on ROBLOX. I’ve been Moderating both Discord communities and their ROBLOX games for over 2.7 years and over 3,752 cases, where my biggest populated communities I moderated was over 310k members, Fireheart Studio. Along with DemonFall Support and Grand Clover I also moderated, adapting to each servers unique guidelines.

One of major aspects in Moderation I learned is one important rule I created and abide by that most community members don’t when applying for moderator. The moderation stats does not define how good you are in your job, but your experience as a moderator. Most community members fall for that false ideology where their mindset is set to have it as a competition to see whoever has a higher number than their fellow Staff Member, or to just gain the benefits of moderation and neglecting the true purpose of the position. That is never going to be the case, where a professional focuses on maturely keeping the communities secure so a safe and friendly environment can be maintained from those who are tying to disturb it.




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When a server is getting raided, you’ll first need to increase the slow mode cooldown so the members can no longer chat for a longer duration (if perms are available to us). Otherwise, a last resort is to use the lockdown command. After executing the command, it will change all channels permissions to whoever doesn’t have a high level clearance unable to speak in the locked channels. The benefit in using this command allows us moderators to deal with the raid more easily and prevent further damage from occurring. It also allows us to go back and find the ID numbers of member that participated in the raid.

Other situation I dealt with is raiding Blackmarket Servers as well. I infiltrate the server and sometimes have an alt as a backup incase they ban me, and find members who are guilty of BlackMarketing. Such as Cross trading, Selling exploits, Abusing methods by using bugs, etc. Before any type ban, I require myself to record evidences either photo or video of what the member has been banned if possible just in case someone asks for clarity.

How I handle raid when I was a regular moderator:


When trying to manage support, there are a lot of different tickets that require certain approaches. It can be some about something as little as answering a question, or something more serious like a player report or a restore. During my experience in Demonfall Support Server, I’ve handled countless tickets being answering questions, situating a player report whenever if it’s in Discord or in game, logging bug reports, and helping restore player’s lost data through restoration commands.

Like most support server, we used the ticket bot to help the community create tickets for us Support members to further assist the member’s situation. Inside the ticket, I ask the member to follow a format when creating a ticket. An example would be in the situation of a player report:

Roblox username:
Roblox profile link:
What the suspect did:
[Video] Evidence:

If the member’s situation can be handled, then I’ll exercise moderation. After the situation as been situated, I’ll log the suspect into the system so the Support Team can keep a record. We use the forums to create a history of recorded players who were already banned and unbanned, those who are pending to be banned or unbanned, a record for denies in case we can look back and see if the suspect’s appeal was already denied, and logging restores. We also utilizes the ticket bot’s transcript function so if we need to look back at a previous deleted ticket, we can and it records every single changes in the ticket so we are assured that nothing as been modified.

As a Deputy Head of Support, I carry a bigger responsibility when managing support. It’s more than just managing tickets, I have to mange the Support Team to see if their performance is up to standards and no inactive team members. I have to manage promotions, Demotions, creating important announcements and etc.


Overall, moderation can range its situations in many forms. It can be simple as someone disobeying the rules where it requires us to moderate. While some situations are straightforward, there are other times when you need to think carefully about how you maturely resolve it. For example:

If two members are having a disagreement and it is starting it get heated, I usually give them a verbal warning to express their differences in each other’s Dm’s. However if they fail to listen the first time, then I would mute them for a set duration. If there is a warning system, (for like when “X” amount of warnings would lead to “Y” punishment like a two hour mute when having 3 warnings) then I would warn them first and then punish them appropriately to the rule that was broken, and the punishments would stack if you reached a certain amount of warnings and broken a rule which includes a penalty within itself. If in the event of another staff member has a disagreement with my moderation action, then I am always willing to discuss their differences.

Another senecio can be if a Staff Member becomes corrupted, as in starting to abuse his authority as something like banning random innocent members. Then I need to get the immediate attention of an Admin, Manager, or anyone who has a Higher Clearance. The most I can do is put the channel on lockdown, try to make a list of the victims, and most importantly do everything in my power to stop the rouge Staff Member until a someone higher ranked can stop him. Never panic or just log off to ignore what’s happening.

Again, there is senecios that are straightforward and easy to moderate but it doesn't mean you shouldn’t use your brain and blindly do so. There is more to it than staring at your screen, waiting for something to happen for you can use your moderation commands.


Thank you for taking the time to read my portfolio! If you are interested in having my experience into your server or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me in Discord (Raijin2005). If you were unhappy or not ready to have me as your moderator, I appreciate your consideration and I would still like to hear back from you if I can still possibly become a part of your team.